Friday, January 17, 2014

Indian Christians Demand Equal Rights

I have not finished the narrative about our October 2013 trip, having saved the best for last.  And then Thanksgiving and Christmas came and yada, yada, yada.  It was a case of saving the best (I always think Darjeeling is the best) for last.  But now I have received information about a matter of great importance and concern that must be shared.

On December 11, 2013 a rally of Indian Christians to demand equal rights for Dalit Christians and Muslims was held at Jantar Mantar in Delhi.  The group consisted of representatives from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, the National Council of Dalit Christians, the National Council of Churches in India and the Church of North India.  The issue is one of long standing.  Dalit Christians and Muslims are not accorded their rights under the Scheduled Caste provisions of the Constitution which accords educational and employment reservation status to Hindu, Sikh, and Buddhist Dalits.

This peaceful delegation of hundreds of Christian leaders from across North India was led by Mr. Alwin Masih, General Secretary of the Church of North India.   The group was met with dirty water canons and a caning charge by Delhi Police and many members of the group were detained for hours.  This is the first time after November 27, 1997 that bishops and religious leaders were arrested for embracing and supporting the Dalit cause and the first time when they were lathi charged and water canonned.

The following day a delegation met with Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India to apprise him of the situation and to put forth the anguish and pain the community is going through due to the denial of basic democratic rights to Dalit Christians and Muslims.  The Prime Minister gave them a patient hearing and assured them the matter would be brought before the Cabinet Committee.

We stand in solidarity with our brothers, sisters and friends in the Church of North India and will report on further developments.

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