Monday, October 7, 2013

Countdown to Takeoff

Excitement builds as 16 folks (all Presbyterians as it turns out) from Long Island prepare to make their way to India this coming Friday, October 11, 2013.  The trip is organized by Margaret Cook of Baldwin and Grace Simonette of Smithtown.  We two have paired up to form India Journey with Grace, Inc. a travel company designed to acquaint first time visitors with India and her culture, and to introduce them to mission projects of our partner, the Church of North India.  During our journey we will visit houses of worship of Hindus,  Muslims, Sikhs, and Buddhists and learn about those religious traditions from scholarly adherents to different faith traditions.

Our trip will not be limited to scholarly and mission pursuits, and will include major tourist attractions in North India.  Visiting the Taj in Agra, riding an elephant up to Amber Palace in Jaipur, the Pink City, and visiting Birla House in Delhi, Ghandi's last home before he was assented are all musts on the tourist's itinerary.  A group from Northport will break off and travel to Chennai to visit Missionaries Anne and Daya Dayanundun who have a special relationship with Northport Presbyterian Church.  Meanwhile, the rest of the group will relax in between jeep safaris at Ranthambore Tiger Park.  We all meet again in Delhi and prepare to fly to Darjeeling in the foothills of the Himalayas.  Here we will be lulled by the soft, cool  mountain air, and soak up the beauty and serenity all around us.  This last stop will give us a chance, too, to stop, think and talk about all we have learned and seen.

Keeping a blog up to date is quite the challenge, and I can only try to make frequent entries so we can travel along together.

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