Monday, November 1, 2010


Scottish Followers
I was up early on our last day in Delhi and after more packing got dressed in my new Afghani style shalwar chamize, my new amber beads purchased in Darjeeling, my new bangles and my old black scarf. Even though it was too early for breakfast, I went to the dining hall hoping for a cup of tea and planning to read. Alwin Maseh, General Secretary, and his wife Nina were there and we were soon joined by two women from the Church of Scotland who had arrived around midnight the night before. Introductions were made and when Margaret Ann Crawford heard my name, Grace, she asked if I wrote a blog. "Why yes, I do, India Journey with Grace." She and Joyce Strachan were quite excited to meet me as Robert Burgeon of their group had photo copied my blog which they all read on the plane on their way to Delhi. Robert and Stuart Cowman came along shortly and were also amazed to meet me. We took pictures and Robert even tweeted about our meeting.

Knowing how thrilled I was to meet people from Scotland who actually found and read the blog, I can't imagine what it must be like to be a published author with legions of fans.

They were on the way to Kalimpong and staying at the Komfort Inn. Hopefully they will like it as much as we did.

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