Thursday, October 28, 2010

Compassion Sunday

Compassion Sunday was the day before we left Darjeeling. We were picked up for services at the CNI church, a very modest building, nothing at all like the beautiful and imposing St. Andrews up on the hill. We were met by the Elder whose history with the church goes back to before CNI was formed. There was a split in Darjeeling as many members objected to the adoption of a church hierarchy which included Bishops. Most members left, taking church property with them. He and about 8 members remained to build up a tiny congregation.

The church is bursting at the seams and plans for expansion are in the works. The service was focused on youth and they led by singing, reading the gospel, and singing some more. It was a treat to see women and men, boys and girls up on the dais and using the pulpit. As Pastor Roshan was away our Elder friend preached. He told stories that contained a lesson related to youth and sprinkled his sermon with humor. Since the service was in Nepali, we were pretty much on our own. We did enjoy singing "How Great Thou Art" with the congregation. It is a favorite everywhere. I was moved by lines in one of the children's songs "we are the children, we are the present."

At the end of the service we greeted everyone and were introduced to sons and daughters, in laws and grandchildren, brothers and sisters. It seemed he had single handedly filled the church himself. or, as he said, he shot many straight arrows.

Later that day we visited a Buddhistt Monastery, very new and dedicated by the Dalai Lama. The outside looked a bit Disneyesque, but inside was the same peaceful feeling and incredible art. We came upon a group of people in a room with giant prayer wheels. they were sitting in boxes on the floor and rotating the prayer wheels by means of a sash like cloth which they pulled on rhythmically. Try it? Of course we did. Not easy work until you let your body become one with the exercise.

Hoping that shorter posts will alleviate the WiFi blues.

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