Monday, August 2, 2010

A Blunder

Today I planned a trip to the city with Lois and Jimmy to get our Visas at the Indian Embassy. You drop off your passport and assorted other things in the AM, per a pre arranged appointment and pick up the passport with visa in the afternoon. One of the assorted other things is a birth certificate, which of course I have and had no need to check on in advance. Sure enough, that attitude led to disaster; the birth certificate was no where to be found. So Jimmy and Lois went in without me and I ordered a new one. I'll let you know if the old one turns up in the meantime.

On the plus side, I will receiving reimbursement for airfare in the mail in a day or two. And reservations are made for two nights in Darjeeling. Of course Lois had a lot of info to go over with us on the train, but she and Jimmy can make decisions on our behalf.

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