Friday, October 23, 2009

India Mission Network Meeting

October 21st and 22nd, 2009 found me in Cincinnatti, Ohio with Jimmy Hulsey, Pastor of the Smithtown Presbyterian Church. Our purpose was to attend the India Mission Network meetings held prior to the Presbyterian Worldwide Mission Conference. Mission Networks bring together Presbyterians from around the United States who share a common international mission focus. Each Network centers around a specific country, people group or program area of ministry.

We used our time together to become familiar with one another and our unique mission outreach. I was delighted to meet Sue Hudson, recently returned from India. Sue has established contacts with members of the Church of North India and will be very helpful in linking us with the staff who will be most able and happy to smooth our way.

Led by Margaret L. Shafer, we examined perspectives surrounding Conversion, and our role as witnesses to the love we experience through Jesus Christ. She helped us to review the Hindutva movement and Hindu responses to religious pluralism. And we examined how our witness can be life affirming in the context of India.

Jimmy volunteered to put together a list of our important contacts in India, along with a description of our mission activities, and contact information for each of us. This tool will be helpful to anyone interested in India and particularly for India Mission Network members as we further develop relationships with one another. Eventually this information will be posted on the PCUSA website.

Preparations continued today for the India Mission Dinner at the Smithtown Church tomorrow. Floral centerpieces are ready, rajma and kheer are made. The program is written and tomorrow final touches (like setting tables, heating food, decorating) will be completed. My sisters, Eleanor and Michelle are coming and we plan to spend a couple of days together after the dinner. Looking forward to it all.

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