Friday, October 30, 2009

India Mission Dinner

With the help of folks from the Flower Guild and Church and Community Committee, the dinner on Saturday, October 24th went off without a hitch. People liked the food, although there were some who thought it was very spicy. They were encouraged to use more raita to cool things off. The dessert rice pudding, kheer, was very popular and we ran out.

Entertainment was a film, Sita Sings the Blues, a retelling of the classic Indian tale The Ramayana. It is animated and produced by Nina Paley, an American woman who wove her own marital story into Sita's. There was humor throughout and great jazz standards making the film unusual and highly creative. You can find it on the PBS website.

I got a cold while my sisters were here, but it didn't interfere with our good time together. After they went home I took a couple of days to just rest. the body was clearly sending a message. I'm feeling much better and working on communication with the Church of North India. And getting ready for kitchen renovation.

Next post will return to the story of AG McGaw.

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