AG still rooms with Ed who is in the know about all kinds of campus happenings and has visitors, some of whom smoke. The entry for October 27, 1887 stands out from all the seriousness of other entries. "Sat. eve. Cloudy chilly day - have been to YMCA business meeting had a good one also mission board prayer. Have not studied much today. The excitement following the chicken stealing expedition has run high at times. Since it occurred last night as I became awake, about 1 o'clock last night by the crowd coming in my room to talk over the affair with Ed. I guess the thieves had a spiteful joke played on them, and badly scared. Lively times at table if Prohibition happens to come up for discussion." Concern for the poor farmers, wagons, small buildings and dogs as Halloween approaches.
Nov. 22 '87 Nightly meetings were held at the YMCA for 10 consecutive days. AG was blessed by having his own heart revived, but there were no professions of conversion. He exhorts himself to Be Cheerful, Be Neat, Do everything carefully.
Christmas vacation was spent pleasurably in Toledo with cousins where he enjoyed several handcar (?) rides and learned to skate.
Back at Wooster in January, 1888 AG writes "What the outcome of '88 will be, I know not, but I hope I shall have gained much in Christian life and the discipline of my mind." In February he stood up with 17 other students during a meeting to announce his intention to become a missionary.
The Spring term presents challenges in oration, where he is criticized for his delivery. Overall, he receives a 90 for his course work. Deep appreciation is expressed for the opportunities he has, and his desire to understand the Lord's plan for him and to do His work.
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