Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Enlightenment and Peace through Education

The Volunteers of Shanti Fund, Enlightenment and Peace through Education, since 1997 have directed their efforts towards educational enhancements on Long Island.  They now work for peace in cooperation with 25 school districts  encompassing more than 100 schools "to promote value systems of Peace leaders of the world through educational outreach."  Their topic for this year is Youth for Peace.

Most recently, on July 10, 2014 they hosted an award dinner to honor Kwasi Enem, the graduating Senior from Shirley and the William Floyd School District who has the unique distinction of acceptance into 8 Ivy League Universities as well as other prestigious schools.  Kwasi is the son of immigrants from the Republic of Ghana who set high standards for achievement.

It was an interesting crowd.  Members of the Ghanan community, mingled with the Indian community and the community of educators across the Island to celebrate Kwasi and his singular achievement.  Recent immigrants to America spoke movingly of their love of the USA and their gratitude for the opportunities that abound for a good education and career for those who work hard.

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