Thursday, May 6, 2010


Arvind Vora, an Indian American, has been active in promoting peace and religious understanding through the Shanti Fund (shanti means peace) and the Multi-Faith forum on Long Island. They provide education in schools at every level and community groups. He has been recognized for his leadership in this field by the President Bill Clinton of the United States, Pope John Paul XXIII, the Indian President and international bodies. Mr. Vora's own religious background is Jainism and he is a Founding Member of the Jain Society of Long Island, the Federation of JAINA and Secretary of the Jain Center of America. He is also a founding Member of the India Association of Long Island and Executive director of the Federation of Indian Association , NY.

Lois and I met with him this morning at the Bagel Chalet in Commack and were pleased to learn of all the people we may meet through his contacts. And there may be people in Bombay, representing different religious backgrounds and educational institutions that he may connect us with.

As for his own feelings about Partition, he says his family was "far removed from any tragedy."
Lois and I wondered if this was because of their geographical location or the fact that as Jains their outlook was calmer and more accepting of the way things are.

I will send him a pamphlet from Lend a Hand, India as he is interested in learning about the group.

A very good start to the day and to our Partition Project.

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