Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Buffering, buffering...

Every day I go to the mailbox hoping for a letter from Etah. It was only just today that I checked to see when I had mailed the last letter, and it was a scant 4 weeks ago. Hardly enough time to reach its destination and elicit a response. So I just need to chill for a couple more weeks.

In the meantime I've worked on proposals to various bodies of the Presbyterian Church, USA. The Session (governing body) of the Smithtown church has pledged $3300. towards airfare for Pastor Jimmy Hulsey, me and Deacon Lois Netter. The Baldwin church has pledged $250. towards travel expenses for Elder Margaret Cook. Tomorrow is the day two submissions will be made; one to the Presbytery of Long Island, hopefully for the balance of the travel costs and one to the Synod of the Northeast, hopefully for lodging costs.

This Sunday Lois, Margaret and I are going in to the city to see a program of Indian Classical Dance. One of the performers, Satya Pradeep, and her students presented an outstanding dance program at our church and is willing to do so again. we are looking forward to some good Indian food afterward. Seeing as how we will probably be sharing a room for three weeks in India, some bonding time beforehand is a good thing.

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