Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just for Fun

"Million Dollar Arm" is the latest feel good film about India.  A true story about recruiting young men from India to play baseball in the US, thereby creating a billion new fans for baseball.  It is sad, funny, triumphant, and stars  John Hamm.  And much of it is filmed in India.  I loved it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

India Mission Network

Looks like four of us Long Islanders will work on resurrecting the India Mission Network.  We met yesterday with staff of the PCUSA Office at the United Nations and by conference call with General Assembly staff in Louisville to share our concerns about human and civil rights for Christian and Moslem people in India; particularly Dalits and particularly in North India.  The purpose of the meeting was to bring the current political situation to their attention so they would be in a position to reach out to UN partners to express our concerns in the event of  further violence directed at these two minorities.

The two hour discussion led to an agreement to reach out to potential India Network partners who share our concerns and are interested in playing a role in support of our Christian partners in the Church of North India.
Other avenues to explore are: interfaith dialogue, both here in the USA and in India
an Overture to the General Assembly which meets in Portland, OR  in 2016
Submission of a report from CNI to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations (which meets every 4 years)

Pastor Jimmy Hulsey and I are members of the Long Island Council of Churches and I am a member of the Interfaith Dialogue Committee.  We have a meeting scheduled with the National Council of Churches in early July which may give us some further direction for interfaith dialogue.  So we will start with that.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bat Theology

Strange how things you never heard of until recently, come up again.  Bat Theology, though, has a title that commands attention.  I first heard it in my Hinduism class at Stony Brook as part of a wealth of information I couldn't quite keep up with.  And I remember it because Bat is the name my Grandaughter planned to and did call her baby brother.
Bat Theology is from one of Jashua Kavi's many poems that express the desolation of people who are outcast.  He lived from 1891 to 1956 and was a contemporary of many of the great names in India's fight for Independence such as Gandhi, Nehru, Ambedkar.  His poems bring to light how society in general and religion in particular have provided justification for enslaving so much of humanity.  All men and women should be free to live with dignity and the respect of their fellow man.  He tells the story of every person who is caste out in a way that everyone recognizes, with words that touch hearts and minds.