Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sometimes Things Aren't So Hard

Whew.  For some reason I thought there was a big issue getting into my blog account since I changed my e mail address.  Apparently not, and I can keep using my old address for the blog.

Less than three weeks to trip time.  We had  a Pre Trip Workshop for our guests where we served Indian snacks (samosas) and dessert (kheer.)  The first half of the evening was a quickie review of the history of India, which we covered in an hour.  When I say quickie, I mean it.  The second half was directly related to the trip. the itinerary, what to wear and bring, cultural tips, reading suggestions, etc.

Our guests had a chance to meet one another and us in an informal, stress free setting.  Being able to host this is one advantage of having a small group from the same geographical area.  And it is a value added feature of India Journey with Grace Inc. that no other tour company offers.

We had hoped to be able to sell travel insurance, however issues with New York State are holding up the licensing process.  So we can do that next year.  Our Business Plan is complete, and projections for the future of our company positive.  Now all we have to do is help our guests have the journey of a lifetime.