Monday, September 13, 2010

Itinerary Adjustments

We still have not heard from anyone in Etah, or from Bishop Cutting in Agra. This is deeply troubling and i wonder what our reception will be like when we show up for church on the 17th. In addition, Enos has travel plans which entailed some changes on our part. The outcome, depending on hotel availability, is that we will spend more time in Delhi and less time in Etah and no time in Calcutta. I have contacted the hotels to make adjustments in our reservations, but have not heard back from them yet.

When I got home from 17 days in Eastern Europe, I learned I have bronchitis and am responding to treatment. It is time to get back into paying good attention to our mission trip. I am reading an article, as yet unpublished by Richard Young, whom we met in Princeton. It is about the history of politics of conversion in India, going back many centuries. It puts into perspective much of what is happening today with respect to Christian Dalits.