Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Catching Up on AG's College Years

September, 1889 begins junior year at Wooster. AG is boarding at Miss Alexander's club. He has to walk four block for meals: "exercise is a good thing and don't make the beefsteak any tougher." Nor more tender, apparently. Summer vacation was spent at Herseman, Illinois, and the surroundings on certain occasions were very agreeable. "I embraced some very precious opportunities in trying to better the conditions of a poor fellow."

"Another year of student life is before me. What will the record be?
My influence may become greater and more for good I believe than it has been in the past.
I sincerely ask God's help to live a pure and holy life, and one that will be helpful to fellow students.
I need to go to work, conscientiously, determinedly, persistently, attentively, systematically and prayerfully.
Oh Thou Triune God, my Heavenly Father, My saviour, my Comforter, my Guide, help me."

The next journal entry is on Jan. 8, 1890 which was spent happily in Herseman with his Uncle and family. With everyone at home, it is likely that more very precious opportunities arose. On January 20th he writes Ella's name in his journal for the first time.